Monday 28 June 2010

'A Sad Tale's Best for Winter'

Just beyond the mirth of great Nature’s rebirth,
Bitter winter beckons to confine the shining sun
And stamp out all life young. It tears each leaf
From each limb, letting each fall into the grave
Of all that’s nothing, where the putrid stench
Of decay is as potent as the plague of darkness
That reigns over all like a tempest of tyranny.
But, in the midst of nothing, some life interred

Stirs to inch slowly upwards through benighted
Daylight, shooting through the earth’s melting
Mantle to bring spring forth and rot the root of
Flowering winter. So I do not sit above the grave
Of all, but the great womb of all, where all that’s
Nothing swells Nature like two mingled bloods
So that it may soar beyond our horizon of time
To create, from all that’s nothing, all that’s great.

Published in The Monktonian


The nightingale would be robbed of its song
If it heard this sigh of deepest despair,
And all the heads of the springing snowdrops
Would hang lifeless, inert in our Sun’s glare.

Death is what gives life to my flowering
Sorrow. It paints the midnight hour black and
Presents dawn with light for later morning
So that life may extend, but Death is the

End. Sometime I will see through the veil
Of truth to define my uncertainty
And see, without eyes, the image of Truth
When I am robed in man’s eternity.

But I wish to not part with Time just yet,
And become a part of its ticking face,
For I stir a love of greatest regret,
That singes my soul, longing to be chaste.

So when the flame of your candle is blown
Out by the whisper of Death, relight it
And see the life of your silver breath shown
In cold darkness, and fear Death, no longer.


Midnight glistens bright,
Silence shines still. Below
The concrete chaos straddles
All darkness of fear.
And we lie, you and I,
In the uncertainty of state,
Sharing this stage of fate
To perfect the fashion
Of false expression,
Like engraved smiles upon
Embalmed bodies,
Whilst they wait
To become like
Kisses blown in the air.
“Where is the Lord our God?”
Let us walk through
Sprawling streets,
Where the stick-lipped smile
Of small talk greets,
And twists into a savage
Snarl when our feet
No longer
Slap the naked street.
How the flame of frailty
SWELLS in the embers of envy.
“Where is the Lord our God?”
Let us step over
Clogged with dreams untried.
And wade through the swamp
Of cigarette ends
With sunrise as our guide.
Bone thin beggars stretch
Out to us
But we are as wretched
As they; for the sickly sound
Of pennies and pounds
Is what our lives too evolve around.
“Where is the Lord our God?”
We cannot make stale
The shimmer of this present,
The tyrant of our mortality,
So let us stroll
'Till we are shape without soul,
And the taste on our lips is tingling cold.
Created from nothing,
Cremated as nothing,
“Where is the Lord our God?”
Far behind the veil of Truth,
Innocence feeds the fragile youth.
They cannot see the stare of uncertainty,
Lidless and unliving.
Nor hear the scream of drowning dreams,
Sunk by drought of prosperity.
We stab the silence with our sighs,
And the vein of pain bleeds black.
So, drunk from darkness, we lie
In quiet ‘til light bedews our backs.
But whilst I’m a slave to peace in sleep,
When the ceiling becomes my sky,
The ties of truth b r e a k and un-loose,
And no longer is it my guide.
Shadows satisfy fear no more,
And those foolish rich are pitied by poor.
But these ideas are mere threads of hair,
Grey and dead on the head of despair,
And I wonder if panes of certainty shatter,
And if floods of thought will swell
The sunken stream.
I doubt it, but I can still dream.